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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 34, Issue 5, pp. 1007-1251

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Robust Permanence for Ecological Differential Equations, Minimax, and Discretizations

Barnabas M. Garay and Josef Hofbauer

pp. 1007-1039

Finite-Dimensional Attractors and Exponential Attractors for the Navier--Stokes Equations of Compressible Flow

David Hoff and Mohammed Ziane

pp. 1040-1063

On Analysis of Steady Flows of Fluids with Shear-Dependent Viscosity Based on the Lipschitz Truncation Method

Jens Frehse, Josef Málek, and Mark Steinhauer

pp. 1064-1083

Minimization Problems and Associated Flows Related to Weighted p Energy and Total Variation

Yunmei Chen and Murali Rao

pp. 1084-1104

Vortices in p-Wave Superconductivity

FangHua Lin and Tai-Chia Lin

pp. 1105-1127

Study of the Buckling of a Tapered Rod with the Genus of a Set

Grégory Vuillaume

pp. 1128-1151

High-Order Terms in the Asymptotic Expansions of the Steady-State Voltage Potentials in the Presence of Conductivity Inhomogeneities of Small Diameter

Habib Ammari and Hyeonbae Kang

pp. 1152-1166

Brownian Trajectory Is a Regular Lateral Boundary for the Heat Equation

N. V. Krylov

pp. 1167-1182

Calibration of the Local Volatility in a Generalized Black--Scholes Model Using Tikhonov Regularization

S. Crépey

pp. 1183-1206

Neighborhoods of Parallel Wells in Two Dimensions That Separate Gradient Young Measures

Kewei Zhang

pp. 1207-1225

L1 Stability for Systems of Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with a Resonant Moving Source

Seung-Yeal Ha and Tong Yang

pp. 1226-1251